“Contoh Interview Bahasa Inggris”

Huft,,, hari-hari yang melelahkan ketika semester III banyak tugas yang menanti Tozi nie temen-temen. 😦
Pastinya gak enak bgt kalo kuliah ada jam yang bolos, ee,,, tau-tau minggu depanya ada tugas,,, apalagi bahasa asing, huftt,,, ;( 😛 parah bgt kan?
Nahh,, hari nie Tozi ada tugas juga nie temen-temen, tugasnya emang dari minggu kemaren dikasih tahu, tapi yaa biasa laahh, tau ndiri kan? Tozi kan tipikal “JARUMSUPER” (bukan merk rokok lho),, tapi jarang dirumah suka pergi, saking banyaknya kerjaan,, hehehee,,,, (kaye orang penting aja lho)

Nahh,, tugasnya ntu suruh bikin job interview tapi pake bahasa inggris,, huffft apes dachh,,, 🙂 :P. Seharian ane browsing tapi kaga nemu-nemu juga,, ampe akhirnya ane prustasi,,, tapi teteeep aja harus bikin, coz ane masuk kelompok satu, yang artinya kudu bikin and praktek pertama kali,,,, ;( 😉 😦

Biar ga kelamaan, ane pengen kasih liat nie, contoh paling simple interview yang ane bikin, walo bahasanya berantakan, moga ja bermafaat yee,,, aminndd 🙂
kalo pun ane pake nama-nama perusahaan, mohon maap, coz ane ga punya niat buat negatif, cuma ane sesuaikan ama bidang ane, yang jelas berhubungan ama ekonomi 🙂 😀

Yusuf : good morning sir?
Agung : good morning, please sit down and make yourself as comfortable as possible.
Yusuf : thank you
Agung : well, your name is yusuf?
Yusuf : yes, I’am
Agung : ok. I want you to tell about your life
Yusuf : ok. My Name is Yusuf, my complete name is Mohammed Yusuf, I’am 24 years old, My hobby Is play football and i’m athlete, I was a graduate student in STIE AMA Salatiga,
Agung : waw,,, very good, ok. where do you live?
Yusuf : I live Jl. Diponegoro 39 in Salatiga,
Agung : how Many your brother?
Yusuf : I haved 2 brothers.
Agung : ok, do you have worked before?
Yusuf : yes, I previously worked at (Mandiri Bank) (example)
Agung : hem,, certainly a lot of his experience you? but why did you come out and why the company chose to work at (Permata Bank)? (example)
Yusuf : I’am quit because the company is not stable, I decided to join this company because I saw this company a good and promising career path for me.
Agung : ow so that’s your reason, now I want to ask you, what’s ability to be your strengths?
Yusuf : I’am master of management science and marketing, speech, computer operations system and English language.
Agung : ok, then how much salary do you want during the work here?
Yusuf : for my salary, I want to be adjusted with the ability and the results of my work, and the company can see it.
Agung : ok. I think enough, thank you for your cooperation. do have any questions before you get out?
Yusuf : yes sir, when I can find out the results of this test?
Agung : 2 weeks after this, we will provide information.
Yusuf : ok. thank you sir, I really hope that can be accepted
Agung : yes, goodluck for you
Yusuf : ok, thank you sir, good bye
Agung : yes, please

Nah,, tu dia yang jadi bahan buat presentasi interview in english bro,,, 🙂 :D,
walopun masih kaku and bahasanya morat-marit, tapi minimal intinya mudah dipahami kan?? so kalo ada nama tempat yang kepake disini, maaf-maaf kate ni yee,,,,

9 tanggapan untuk ““Contoh Interview Bahasa Inggris””

    1. hehehe 🙂
      mbak eva anak pramuka juga yaa????
      kalo boleh tau? pramuka dimana? dan sudah jadi pramuka tingkat apa niy??
      kebetulan admin juga anak pramuka,,,, mantan pradana di Ambalan
      tapi maaf, untuk bahan interview pramuka belom ada, hehehe

      salam sedulur,

  1. mw nanya, yang bener tu I previously apa I am previously? trus I am quit apa I quit.

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